#CuteFind: A better butter…dish

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I love this butter dish!

I was up early last Saturday picking up some plants from a fella on freecycle.org, when I passed a yard sale. It wasn’t set to open for another hour or so and the people were still setting up. But that never stops me.

And what a haul I came back with. I found a birdbath, three plant stands, two lawn chairs and this beautiful vintage butter dish. My total was $16 bucks and my butter dish was only $1.

If you have a #CuteFind, share it with me on the twitter machine, @whatacutehouse. I would love to feature it here.

#CuteHouseTip: Pain-free plants

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Create a collection of plant life.

A quick way to perk up a room is to add plants. Plants bring a fun punch of color and help clean the air. Now if you are thinking, “I’m nothing but a brown thumb,” don’t worry. There are a few plants that are just about impossible to kill. In fact, they do better if you just leave them alone.

I love the pothos. It grows like a weed, handles a variety of light conditions and tells you when it needs water. If the leaves look droopy, give it a drink. It is also easy to take clippings and make new plants.

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I bought this hens and chicks pot from the local French market. I love how it looks like little flowers.

I also love a succulent like aloe or a hens and chicks (hens and chicks are small, succulents that look like roses and they shoot off sprouts or chicks). Give it a sunny home and a little water, and it will be happy forever. And by little water, I mean a tiny sip once a month. Succulents often meet their end by drowning. In fact, during the winter, don’t water them at all.

For room impact, group your plants together. Vary the stand sizes and see how easy it is to look like a green goddess.

A Tisket-A-Basket or how a blue weave saved my living room

My pretty blue, spray painted basket. I throw all my husband's knick knacks, aka junk, into it every night and keep it next to his he-man recliner.

My pretty blue, spray painted basket. I throw all my husband’s knick knacks, aka junk, into it every night and keep it next to his he-man recliner.

I am making a commitment to get and STAY organized in our new place. “It will be different this time,” I’ve decreed as my battle cry. I will put things back where I found them. I will do that thing that all professional organizing books say to do each night, you know, spend 15 minutes clearing off clutter and loading the dishwasher. Oh wait, not loading the dishwasher, that is one of those things the organizers say to do right away. Well, whatever.

There are some places where stuff gets used almost everyday and naturally collects. That spot is our living room and it’s my mainly my husband’s stuff. I am trying to avoid a rousing round of the popular game that is sweeping messy partnerships everywhere. You know the one, “Who’s pile of shit  is bigger.” It is a simple game really.  You both start in the same room. Collect all your stuff and put it in a pile, your competitor does the same. Whoever has the bigger pile wins.  Or loses. We’ve all played it, right?

I found this basket for $2 at a thrift store. Once I spray paint it, this drab weave will turn into something lovely to store my husband's junk in.

Warning: Do not buy these retail. I found this basket for $2 at a thrift store. Once I spray paint it, this drab weave will turn into something lovely to store my husband’s junk in.

So to avoid this, I look to baskets. Baskets for retail are really expensive.  Save your money. Baskets are easily found at thrift or second-hand stores or even garage sales. And maybe if you are lucky, in your mother-in-law’s basement, along with a gynecological table, but that is another story for anther day.

Pick the basket for your needs. This one was $2.00. Grab some spray paint. My mother-in-law had some pretty navy blue left over from a project. It will go nicely with my yellow table.

Then just spray, spray, spray until the basket is covered. I suggest spraying outside. I like to lay a cloth on the grass. I prefer cloth to newspaper because it doesn’t stick to your project as the paint dries. You might need to do a few coats depending on how much you want it covered.

Let dry and then use!

It is super easy and looks like you could have spent a lot of money at HomeGoods or Bed Bath and Beyond. But you didn’t! Yay for you and your wallet. Now go treat yourself to a cocktail.

My pretty blue, spray painted basket. I throw all my husband's knick knacks, aka junk, into it every night and keep it next to his he-man recliner.

My pretty blue, spray painted basket. I throw all my husband’s knick knacks, aka junk, into it every night and keep it next to his he-man recliner.

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